INS AND OUTS: 2024 Review

‘Tis the moment we’ve all been waiting for…… my own rankings of my own opinions of everything I claimed was “in” and “out” throughout 2024!

As some silly geese know, since April of last year, I have listed things that I claimed were in and out for the week in the Silly Goofy Newslettere. No research was done, no second-guessing, nor reconsidering — choices were made based simply upon the general energy I received from the listed items.

Some pretty bold claims were made. I said that crying was out — yeah, right, babes, I love to cry — and that I was into “big booty workouts,” when really I think that lasted maybe two months? Root beer floats were listed as an “in” at least three different times, which isn’t odd if you know me, but does feel like too much for an adult woman to talk about root beer floats. The number one relisted “out” for the year? Men. No further explanation required.

If you’re still reading this, oh my god, why?? But anyways, buckle up for the final top 10 ins and outs, claimed in 2024:


10. “Dudes on Dudes,” Gronk’s podcast

The fact that Rob Gronkowski decided to, in 2024, just now, start a podcast, and name that podcast “DUDES ON DUDES" is one of my more favored things that happened during the year. It is still “in,” for as long as his concussed lil noggin can cook up new thoughts.

9. Pranks

Put that clear tape across the doorway. Tape that silly sign to your friends back. Hide behind a door and spook your friend. More harmless pranking is how we diffuse the national tension, I think maybe.

8. Unexpected Red

I am still eating up the unexpected pop of red in artwork, interior decor, and outfits! This is such a moment that I hope lasts a lifetime.

7. Frolicking, lollygagging, dilly dallying, and general bopping about

6. Barack Obama’s Summer Playlist

5. Anything tiny (tiny silverware, tiny art, tiny crimes, tiny drinks)

4. Blowing kisses to people who let you merge in traffic

3. Jumping for joy

It’s rumored that this one can actually add years to your life and reduce signs of aging.

2. Calling farts “toots”

This is just good branding, you guys.

1. Plotting


10. Reversing into parking spots

This right here? Oh, it’s a hill I’m willing to die on.

9. Fast fashion

This is destroying the planet! Don’t buy clothes you’re only going to wear once!

8. Iceberg lettuce

Call me the Titanic because I hate iceberg! Romain lettuce exists, people. You don’t have to torture yourself with iceberg lettuce. You can leave that damp, crunchy afront to happiness in the ocean, or wherever it came from.

7. Mini-golf

It’s always fun, in theory, but there is just 15% too much crouching involved for my liking. I don’t want to be crouching that much. Mini-golf is somehow always a group activity and why would I want a handful of potential new friends to see me crouch this much the first time we’re hanging out???

6. Every restaurant having their own app

5. Counting sheep

4. Being rushed

3. Having to figure out where to park your car

2. Men

Not in like an extreme way. Just in the way that I feel like it would be better if we put an asterisk next to everything men do.

1. Being mysterious — Why? Tell me everything!


My First Rodeo