My First Rodeo

What are we doing here? Good question. Philosophically, my knowledge spans as far as the ethical sitcom The Good Place. But literally, you’re seeking content, and I’m a middle child, thriving off of the attention, so let’s dive in!

Am I delusional enough to think that more than just my mom wants to read about my life or musings on endlessly-niche topics? Maybe. But mostly, I want to write. And with nowhere to start, I shall start everywhere. No topic is too much, no artistic voices are off limits, and no readers shall leave without being thoroughly entertained.

Whether it’s a lifestyle blog, a political analysis (because it is an election year, friends), a short story, a comedic moment in time, a review of economics, or my grocery list, I promise to try to delight the fans of whimsical wordplay, niche references, and blooming-onion-layered jokes. Any aspect of life, however dull or disheartening, can be made silly with the right lighting.

Lipstick on a pig may just be lipstick on a pig, but there’s no denying it is now a funnier situation.

So, cue up the Reading Rainbow theme song or whatever, because you’ll want to keep coming back as the weeks pass on and I get weirder and more chaotic while scavenging life for content. But hey, somebody’s gotta to jest for y’all.


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